Saturday, October 25, 2008

Preliminary Discussion

I watched Chris Mathews Interviewing GOP Representative Michelle Bachmann about anti-pro American issues. Chris of course, took a broad view that all people who lived and worked here were probably pro-American, regardless of their political views. That is conservatives, liberals, and leftists were all pro American. He really pressed Bachman to commit to calling Liberals anti American, and she danced around this for a few minutes. It occurred to me that there really was no definition for pro Americanism. Everyone seems to confuse liking America the way it is or disliking it the way it is as a pro or anti American stance.

In order to have this discussion we have to first agree what defines the United States of America as The United States of America . As with any Geo-political sphere, one needs to accept the Constitution as the definition of The United States of America . The original Constitution has been amended, but in all cases these amendments have only clarified the original intent of the constitution, and I think fairly represent the intent of the founders of our nation. It would be correct, I think, that the Constitution is the essence of the United States of America. We love the LAND as well but the land is a commonality that all nations have, our Constitution is what makes us unique.

It is interesting that the "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" of our Declaration of Independence didn't make it into our into our Constitution. The fifth Amendment does guarantee "Life, Liberty, and Property."

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